En homenaje a nuestros héroes caídos y a nuestros presos políticos!!!

En homenaje a nuestros héroes caídos y a nuestros presos políticos!!!
Vuela alto hijo mío!!!...

A quien dió todo por su amor a Venezuela!!

A quien dió todo por su amor a Venezuela!!

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

President Jammeh opens 2011 Legislative Year Calls for concerted commitment towards the realisation of Vision 2020

Monday, March 28, 2011
The president of the Republic, His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh Friday evening officially opened the 2011 Legislative Year with an emphatic call on the citizenry for more concerted commitment and rededication as the country moves closer to the deadline of achieving her development blueprint, Vision 2020, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The occasion, which is a traditional constitutional requirement, was graced by their Excellencies, the First Lady of the Republic, Aja Zineb Yahya Jammeh, and the vice president and minister of Women’s Affairs; as well as the president of the Senegalese National Assembly, Momodou Seck; amongst other dignitaries. It accorded the Gambian leader the opportunity to table before lawmakers his government’s development programmes for this year, achievements and challenges amongst others.

In a 40-page marathon speech on the theme “The achievements of MDGs and Vision 2020 – a collective responsibility”, the president emphasised that the theme is a recognition of the fact that as the deadlines for the MDGs and Vision 2020 draw closer by the day, it is urgent that all Gambians, at home and abroad, become more determined in their resolve to mobilise a more committed, stronger, and unified populace that would ensure that the development goals and targets are achieved in record time. The Gambian leader stressed that it behoves on all to take their rightful places as Gambians, and be guided by the noble task of nation building; something he said requires nothing less than honesty, hardwork, and patriotism.  


President Jammeh informed the gathering that The Gambia as a nation has every reason to be proud of the its’ achievements, but was quick to stress that there is certainly no reason for the citizens to rest in their laurels, saying national development is a continuous and relentless process. He said: “All the assessment reports conducted both within and independently, by others on The Gambia’s status on achieving the MDGs suggest that despite the many challenges that confront us, significant progress has been achieved in virtually all sectors of the Gambia economy including the critical sectors of education and health.”

“Since the advent of the 2nd Republic,” the Gambian leader continued, “we have been able to implement many projects that have brought beneficial social and economic transformation to the people of this country.” The country today, according to the Gambian leader, can look back with pride that its development experience has become a success story and an example for other nations to emulate.


In this area, the Gambian leader reaffirmed that the main thrust of his government in what he called this all important sector is attainment of not only food self-sufficiency, but becoming a major player in the agricultural exports market. Agriculture being one sector that has the greatest potential to provide employment for hundreds of thousands of people across all walks of life in the country, according to the Gambian leader, his government is bent on eradicating poverty through this sector. To this end, he disclosed that his government through the Ministry of Agriculture and the Taiwanese Agricultural Mission, is putting rice cultivation about 400,000 hectares over a period of five years that has started since year 2009.

“The objective is that even with an output/yield of one tone of rice per hectare, once the entire 400,000 hectares are put under rice cultivation, we will have produced more than what we consume and can go into the export market. With the expected investment of about eighty to a hundred million dollars into this sector in the very near future by a Gulf State company, in addition to the recently launched programmes to be funded by the World Bank Group, The Gambia Allah willing will soon realise her dream of becoming the bread basket of Africa,” the Gambian leader stated.

President Jammeh also talked about diversifying this sector with a view of making it more appealing to all manners of people; and from the labour intensive to aquaculture, animal husbandry, livestock agriculture, poultry, and horticulture, amongst others. Given the high cost involved in animal and poultry feed which has to be imported, the Gambian leader disclosed that his government has gone into a joint venture with a Middle Eastern (Gulf State) Company to build an animal feed plant, which he anticipated to be operational before the end of this year. In addition to that, he also disclosed that a flour mill will soon be established to compliment that effort.

While emphasising that his government has launched an all out war on hunger and poverty, the president also informed that the government also launched the Gambia National Agricultural Investment Programme (GNAIP), which he said has the overall objective of harnessing agriculture and natural resources, and increasing food security, amongst others.

Tourism and Culture

President Jammeh explained that an important dimension in the Tourism sector development that his government is pursuing is the aggressive marketing of the country’s tourism potentials. He said: “I am happy to announce that a new marketing strategy has just been concluded to which an additional 3 million dollars will be provided this year by the government. This will be backed by huge multi-million dollar modern resorts and facilities that will cater for all types and classes of high-profile tourists, visitors, etc. These projects, when completed, would usher in a new era of Tourism that would be meaningful and very beneficial to our economic development.”

He also announced that in the course of this year, a bill which seeks to restructure the Gambia Hotel School to make it a hub in the region for professional knowledge in tourism resources and hospitality management will be laid before lawmakers. In a bid to revitalize the culture sub-sector, President Jammeh disclosed that efforts are being intensified to facilitate the establishment of a National Theatre Complex, thus underscoring that such is considered vital for the development of performing arts industry.

Health and Social Welfare

Underscoring health as indispensable and the fact that no nation can prosper without a healthy populace, President Jammeh reaffirmed that providing quality and affordable healthcare delivery system to the doorstep of every citizen is the ultimate goal of his government. This, he added will be intensified over the years to ensure a healthcare system that is second to none in Africa and one of the best in the world. Acknowledging that this cannot be achieved without the requisite medical facilities and state of the art equipment, the president assured that modernising the facilities is a matter of do or die for his government’s overall socio-economic development objectives.

With over 85% of the population now having easy access to healthcare within 5km, according to the president, an average Gambian has become healthier. “The Gambia is a success story already as a potential achiever of MDG Goal 4 (child mortality), Goal 5 (Maternal health), and Goal 6 (Reversal of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS),” he said, and added: “From available statistics, significant reductions in mortality rates have been realised with improved antenatal care, coverage has been made possible with the introduction in 2008 of free maternal and child care services for all mothers.”

Noting that the government takes pride in the improvement of disease control, the President Jammeh noted that with the immunization coverage being expanded over the years, there has been no reported outbreak of any contagious diseases in The Gambia for a very long time since the advent of the 2nd Republic. “Malaria constitutes the most formidable challenge in our strive to control diseases, but with a 90% reduction in deaths due to malaria, The Gambia would soon become a malaria-free area, Almighty Allah willing,” he stated.

Basic & Secondary Education

The Gambian leader emphasised that education will always be at the core of the country’s socio-economic development; an education that is high quality, relevant, accessible, and affordable to all Gambians. President Jammeh was delighted to report that in terms of enrolment, the Gross Enrolment Rate at the early childhood development and lower basic levels reached 36% and 88% respectively, while upper basic and secondary levels registered 66.2% and 34.5% respectively, with the Madrasses contributing over 15%. He described these as important gains for a country where the sky is the limit.

“In pursuance of the education related goals of the PAGE, government will, during the course of the year, intensify its efforts towards improving literacy and numeracy skills of children in the early grades to lay the foundation for a comprehensive education framework,” he added. President Jammeh further disclosed that the 992 Education Act, which has been guiding the operation of the education sector until now, will be revised and brought before the Assembly this year for ratification.

Higher Education

On this sector, the president emphasised that technical and science technology based education would be pursued to equip Gambians with the type of skills necessary to man all the facilities of a modern and high tech nation. “Work has begun, and is satisfactory progressing towards the formulation of a successor Higher Education Policy as well as a Science Technology and Innovation Policy,” he disclosed.

According to President Jammeh, in the course of the year, his government will lay before deputies, two important bills in support of the country’s higher education development agenda. Such bills, according to him are the Venezuela-Gambia Government Agreement for the recognition of higher education courses offered in either country, and the establishment of a Review and Follow-up Commission; as well as that of the University of The Gambia Amendment Bill that seeks to unify all public institutions such as the Gambia College and Management Development Institute under the ambit of the university.

“Meanwhile, the construction of the university village in Faraba, which will serve as the hub for the science techno pole is almost complete,” he stated, while disclosing that the Taiwanese funded Technical and Vocational Education and Training Centre will be established in Ndenban for the nation’s youth folk.

Finance & Economic Affairs

The Gambian leader reported that the country’s economy has been growing appreciably despite the recent turbulent times when the overall global economic climate has not been friendly particularly to developing countries. The GDP [Gross Domestic Product] growth figures for 2010, he highlighted indicated a strong 5.5 percent economic growth rate, assuring that from all indications would be maintained. He noted that an important milestone this year is the Programme for Accelerated Growth and Employment (PAGE) that is being developed as a successor of the PRSP II [Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper]; which will cover in two phases from 2012-2015, and from 2016-2020 to end with the timeline for Vision 2020, respectively.

“The PAGE process is intended to become my government’s medium-term policy framework to accelerate growth and social progress while consolidating macroeconomic stability,” he explained. 
The Gambian leader also reported that the banking industry continues to be sound, with a record 22.7% increase in the total assets of the industry to D17.8 billion last year.

Foreign Affairs

The Gambian leader stated that his government will continue with its open-door policy to all those that seek genuine friendship, and the fostering of good bilateral cooperation and lasting relationships based on the principles of neutrality, impartiality, non-interference, and respect for international laws, treaties and conventions. “Our principled stance against double standards, racism and exploitation will continue to be the bedrock of our foreign policy,” he stated.

President Jammeh indicated that in 2011, The Gambia will continue to engage in bilateral meetings in various areas to expand, deepen, and cement the ties that exist between his government and its true friends and partners. He added: “My government strongly opposes all acts of terrorism, banditry, and aggression against any nation big or small, rich or poor. We subscribe to dialogue, consensus, and peace building where disputes erupt.”

Trade, Regional Integration and Employment

On this area, the Gambian leader revealed that inline with the country’s liberalized economic policies geared towards enhancing trade and investment, a new Trade Policy Action Plan 2011-2015 is being currently developed, with the special focus on integrating trade into the overall national development planning framework.

On the regional integration, President Jammeh asserted that the Gambia is fully on board the Ecowas Trade Liberalization Scheme under which duty unprocessed goods from the Ecowas region enter the Gambia duty free. “Last year, 15 Gambian registered companies were granted approval under the scheme, and three are actively exporting,” he disclosed.

Communication, Works, Construction Infrastructure

On these areas, the president noted that pursuant to his government’s goal of enhancing direct and unhindered access to the Global Information Super Highway and meeting the increased demand for greater bandwidth, the Gambia is among the states participating in the Africa Coast to Europe Project. This, he added is part of many other projects with similar or complementary goals to support the Gambia’s e-communication and e-development drives into the 21st Century.

He explained: “Key among the priorities set for this year in the drive to enhance communication including transport communication, is the expansion of the Banjul International Airport infrastructure. In this regard, under the second phase of the airport improvement project, for which bids are being processed, the parking apron will be expanded together with its related lightening requirements; the new passenger terminal building will be rehabilitated; there will also be the provision of a new instrument landing system; a new fire station; and a new equipment for the new control tower.”

While noting that efforts are underway to revitalize and develop the airline cargo unit, as well as efforts being concerted to revitalize maritime and port operations, especially in the area of ferries and river transport, merchant shipping and the control of maritime pollution; the Gambian leader stated that bills on the latter two are being finalised for subsequent enactment this year by the Assembly. On roads infrastructure, the Gambian leader also indicated the progressive nature of the major road projects in the country with some expected to be ready by September.


The president underscored that despite the gains registered his government is not relenting in pursuit of ensuring that The Gambia attains full energy security the shortest possible time, with greater emphasis on clean renewable energy. To this end, he disclosed that before the end of this year, his government will commission an additional 22MW Generating set under the West Coast Region electrification project, that he said will electrify for the first time, 56 towns and villages from Kartong to Kalagi.

He added: “With an additional 8MW Phase II of the Rural Electrification Project, and the upgrading, refurbishment, and expansion of the transmission and distribution network, under the USD 22 Million Venezuela Project to minimize electricity losses, the entire Gambia will hopefully become an electrified City State, and a model in Africa.”

Water and Sanitation

President Jammeh informed the Assembly that his government has partnered with key collaborators such as the European Union, IDB [Islamic Development Bank] and the UNICEF, which has made it possible for 100 communities to benefit from pumping systems. He disclosed that it is expected that in 2011, some 95,000 additional rural inhabitants will have access to safe water through the sinking and construction of 100 boreholes and installation of solar powered reticulation systems in 18 large communities. The Gambian leader indicated that his government’s achievements in the water sector have already surpassed the MDG targets.


On Petroleum, President Jammeh told the Assembly that efforts are being intensified in the area of upstream petroleum exploitation and development. He noted that in the last quarter of 2010, an important milestone that has been registered was the successful acquisition of 2500 Square KM of 3D Seismic Data acquired by the operator of two our off-shore blocks at a cost of USD 13 million. 
“In November 2010, government signed an off-shore exploration license agreement with Oranto Petroleum Company Limited for the Western Onshore area of The Gambia. The company is bracing up for some onshore petroleum exploration activities to start soon this year,” the president disclosed.

He also disclosed that negotiations are far advanced for the licensing of two additional off-shore blocks in the latter part of this year. He then disclosed that a downstream petroleum bill is being finalised for tabling before lawmakers later this year.


The Gambian leader underscored that issues around environment and the climate change challenge would continue to receive the attention of his government, stressing that he has always emphasised the need for the citizens to protect their environment from degrading, and becoming too unsafe and hazardous to our healthy living. He then stressed that more stringent laws would be put in place to curb practices such as the indiscriminate and illegal cutting of trees, waste disposal, bush fires, sea and marine pollution. He also said that urgent plans are being advanced to secure funding to protect the country’s coastline.


President Jammeh informed the deputies that The Gambia has not only ratified all major international protocols and conventions, but is among the first to domesticate the CEDAW and the Protocol to the African Charter on the rights of Women 2010. “Government will this year, table a Bill on domestic gender-based violence to address issues such as rape and other domestic violence that go unpunished as a result of their not being reported,” he disclosed. The president noted that with regards to the interventions in support of the population dynamics of this country, plans are at advanced stage for the conduct of the 2013 Population and Housing Census and Demographic and Health Survey.

Youth & Development

The youths being the most important productive force, President Jammeh assured that his government has not relented nor will it ever relent to come up with programmes to support endeavours in employment, sports, agriculture, performing arts, and enterprise development amongst others. He however appealed to the youths to recognise that their role in national development is very crucial. “The greatest enemy to youth development includes drugs, laissez faire attitude, and illegal migration,” he stated.

The president noted that with the recently concluded National Youth Conference and Festival, he is sure that the resolutions passed that are being shared with the government would enhance a more positive approach to dealing with all issues affecting youths. To this end, the president announced that his government will continue with plans to upgrade all sporting facilities for youths, including the National Independence Stadium that is currently under refurbishment.


The Gambian leader asserted that in the continuing drive to effectively sustain the development and management of the country’s fisheries resources for improvement on livelihoods, national food security, employment and income generation, his government is implementing a strategic multi-pronged approach that embodies, among others, strategically positioning fisheries infrastructural facilities, the provision of the necessary equipment, and building partnership.

He also stated that they are mindful though, of the prudence of taking measures to protect and conserve our fish stock. To this end, he said: “The acquisition of more new Navy patrol boats to boost the capacity of our national patrol fleet, and the upgrading of the microbiology laboratory at the Department of Fisheries to meet accreditation and requirements are some of the measures to protect our fish as well as ensure that fish from The Gambia meet international quality and standards.” In view of the sectors potential to mitigate against unemployment, food insecurity and poverty, the president asserted, aquaculture initiatives are being reviewed for intensification.

Internal security, peace and security

Here, the Gambian leader stressed that as the country boldly moves forward towards the attainment of the MDGs, we [citizens] must be cognizant of the importance of maintaining and jealously guarding the peace, security and tranquility that The Gambia is renowned for. To this end, he reaffirmed that his government will continue to promote quality internal security through support to the various security and agencies.

He said: “Government will also continue to give attention to greatly transforming the security services sector and improving the welfare of its workforce. Plans are far advanced to construct more living quarters for the police and the personnel of the Gambia Fire and Rescue Services throughout the length and breadth of the country as well as refurbish the existing ones for better living standards and incentives.”

President Jammeh disclosed that in the course of the year, the government, through the Ministry of the Interior will present the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Displaced Persons in Africa (otherwise called the Kampala Convention). Also to be presented at the Assembly, President Jammeh continued, is the Private Security Bill, which he said seeks to regulate the operations and activities of private security companies in The Gambia as well as to set the legal regulatory framework for their registration, operations and monitoring.

While noting that the government’s zero tolerance for crime, drugs and corruption will be strongly reinforced, the Gambian leader stressed that the peace, security and  stability of this country will be maintained at any cost.


President Jammeh emphasised that his government will continue to accord priority to the country’s Defence sector through training and other forms of capacity building support to enhance the combat preparedness and responsiveness of the nation’s gallant men and women in the Armed Forces at all times, and in all circumstances. He indicated that in the past, his government has embarked on putting additional structures and living quarters in the Barracks to upgrade the living conditions of soldiers, a policy he stressed would continue unabated. “Our primary objective which is within reach to have a highly motivated, well equipped professional Armed Force that is capable of not only defend every inch of the country but also operate in any modern theatre of warfare with confidence of victory,” he asserted.

Judiciary and Justice

On this sector, the Gambian leader said: “My government will continue to provide support to the Judiciary and Justice sector for its role in enhancing the speedy dispensation of justice.” A key area of concern in this drive, according to the president will be to match the improvements already registered in the conditions of service for judicial staff and personnel with expansion in judicial infrastructure, notably court houses and residences for judges and magistrates.

Regional Government & Lands

President Jammeh who stated under this sector that Local Government will be replaced by Regional Government, emphasised that his government will continue to encourage participatory grassroots development by pursuing with unrelenting vigour, the decentralisation agenda and strengthening the capacities of the nation’s regional government institutions and structures that are already in place. He added: “An important area of concern also relates to land resources use, management and administration, and here; every effort would be exerted, including the necessary reforms that would ensure a more robust land management and administration system.”

Civil Service and Personnel Management

The Gambian leader, while underscoring that government cannot implement its development programmes without a strong human resources base with the requisite knowledge and skill, was pleased to inform the Assembly that significant progress has been made in the implementation of the Civil Service Reform Strategy. He said: “Also of significance in the reform is the creation of innovative retention strategies that would enable government to attract and retain quality human capital for the effective delivery of services to the public. In this effort, plans are far advanced under the World Bank project to conduct a comprehensive grading review, including revision of the schemes of services, allowances and a reform of the pension system.”

President Jammeh announced that the operationalisation of a medical insurance scheme for civil servants and their dependents is also being studied as part of a benefit system for all civil servants.


President Jammeh concluded by craving the indulgence of all and sundry to work hard together to optimize technology utilization and expand our collective capacity for national development undertakings and ensure a very modern, prosperous and peaceful stable Gambia that will be a super power of economic prosperity and peace. 

Author: by Hatab Fadera

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